Where Can You Travel With A Folding Power Wheelchair Like the Jazzy Carbon?

We like to think of the Jazzy® Carbon folding power wheelchair from Pride Mobility as the ultimate travel companion. Thanks to its exceptional portability and ultralight carbon fiber frame, this electric wheelchair can accompany you on journeys big and small, no matter where life takes you. In this post, we’ll discuss the main methods ofContinue reading “Where Can You Travel With A Folding Power Wheelchair Like the Jazzy Carbon?”

What is a Folding Electric Wheelchair?

Will it fit? This is a question many of us ask before we commit to buying or ordering something new. It’s no different when buying an electric wheelchair. You want to ensure that your new mobility device fits you and the environment you will be traversing. We’ll review the benefits of a portable folding electricContinue reading “What is a Folding Electric Wheelchair?”