Best Practices for Battery Life

10 Best Practices for Mobility Device Batteries If you want your mobility scooter or power wheelchair batteries to last as long as they can, you can do a few things to dramatically extend their lifespan. Battery maintenance best practices are different for sealed lead acid, or SLA, batteries and lithium-ion batteries. Pride Mobility devices useContinue reading “Best Practices for Battery Life”

Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on a Plane?

Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on a Plane? Short answer? Yes, but don’t stop reading just yet. Long answer? It takes a little more preparation and coordination with your airline. With travel season fast approaching, now’s a good time to understand how to get your mobility scooter to your destination by the rules andContinue reading “Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on a Plane?”

What is an offboard charger?

Pride Mobility Devices Use Off-Board Chargers In a world teeming with rechargeable electronic devices, you’ve likely heard mention of off-board chargers and on-board chargers. The jargon can be a little hard to follow.  Let’s catch you up on all charger-related topics, especially those that pertain to Pride Mobility scooters and power wheelchairs. Off-Board Chargers vs.Continue reading “What is an offboard charger?”

How to Buy a Mobility Scooter

Pride Mobility has a mobility scooter for everyone.  We have full-size rugged models, sleek mid-sized electric scooters and compact portable scooters. There are also a range of prices and features across our fleet of mobility scooters. Learn more about how to buy a mobility scooter. You can scan through the many mobility scooter options here.Continue reading “How to Buy a Mobility Scooter”

What Type of Charger Does my Pride Scooter Need?

If you’ve landed here, there’s a good chance you’re looking for a replacement battery charger. The more information you have when you contact your local Pride Mobility Dealer, the sooner they’ll be able to identify the scooter battery charger you’re looking for. Here’s what you should have ready: There’s a good chance your Pride dealerContinue reading “What Type of Charger Does my Pride Scooter Need?”

What’s the Difference Between a Scooter Battery and Car Battery?

Not all batteries are created equal. While the heavy, boxy batteries in your car and on your Pride Mobility scooter might look similar, they are not interchangeable. Both vehicles use sealed lead acid (SLA) battery technology, but the roles are different. You might have wondered what’s the difference between a scooter battery and a carContinue reading “What’s the Difference Between a Scooter Battery and Car Battery?”

Delta Tiller and other ergonomic features

What ergonomic features are on my mobility scooter? At Pride Mobility, our engineers design every device with the rider’s comfort, convenience and safety in mind. It’s an actual science. Ergonomics focuses on designing things so people can interact with them effectively and in ways that promote wellbeing. The five aspects of ergonomics are safety, comfort,Continue reading “Delta Tiller and other ergonomic features”

What is Feather-Touch Disassembly?

Nothing travels better than our Go Go Travel mobility models. These sleek scooters navigate with ease, whether you’re inside a store or outside on the sidewalk. When it’s time to transport your scooter, the convenience continues. The majority of our mobility scooters are equipped with feather-touch one-hand disassembly. You can easily transition from the fullContinue reading “What is Feather-Touch Disassembly?”

When and how to get your mobility scooter serviced?

How to make sure your mobility scooter keeps running smoothly You slide into the seat of your Pride Mobility scooter, ready to take on the day. Your device starts without a hitch, and the wheels glide along the ground. Everything from tiller to tires is working perfectly. Maintain your mobility scooter and it will keepContinue reading “When and how to get your mobility scooter serviced?”

What are LED Scooter Lights?

LED headlights provide brilliant and efficient lighting for your mobility scooter. At Pride Mobility, we include them standard with just about every model in our mobility scooter lineup. In fact, since we’re talking about efficiency, it’s probably more efficient to list the mobility scooters that don’t have LED lighting. But at the risk of makingContinue reading “What are LED Scooter Lights?”