How Does a Product Receive a HCPCS Code and Become Reimbursable?

In consultation with your Medicare-enrolled doctor or other health care provider, you may be prescribed use of durable medical equipment (DME) in your home. Medical insurance will cover medically necessary DME, which includes electric wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and power lift recliners. Pride Mobility® is proud to offer a robust lineup of each of these products,Continue reading “How Does a Product Receive a HCPCS Code and Become Reimbursable?”

Will Medicare Pay for a Mobility Scooter?

You’ve started to notice some challenges getting around and the question “will Medicare pay for a mobility scooter?” has entered your mind. Deciding to get help with mobility and understanding the process of funding a scooter can be complicated. Fortunately, there is a well-documented set of steps to get you the help you need. AsContinue reading “Will Medicare Pay for a Mobility Scooter?”

Resources for Mobility Product Coverage

We understand that while necessary, medical devices aren’t always budget friendly. However, there are ways you can purchase or get a mobility product without having to break the bank. Buying a Mobility Device Through Insurance Sometimes private insurance companies cover a mobility product if you qualify. If you are covered under an insurance policy, weContinue reading “Resources for Mobility Product Coverage”

How to Clean Your Power Lift Recliner

Power lift recliners are sophisticated pieces of equipment. In order to ensure that your power lift recliner gives you trouble-free performance, it requires routine maintenance checks. While you can perform some of these checks yourself, you may need to schedule some maintenance checks with your provider. Cleaning Fabric on Lift Chairs Whether you are theContinue reading “How to Clean Your Power Lift Recliner”

Will Medicare Pay for an Electric Wheelchair?

Medicare may pay for an electric wheelchair if you qualify. Medicare may cover the cost of a power mobility device for use in your home. Power wheelchairs are covered only when they are deemed medically necessary. To qualify, there are several steps that need to be completed.  Schedule a face-to-face examination with your doctor orContinue reading “Will Medicare Pay for an Electric Wheelchair?”