Jim Michaels: Soaking in All the Scenery

Jim Michaels has always been an active person. And why not, considering the breathtaking scenery of the rural area that surrounds his hometown of DuBois, Pennsylvania. It’s a sight to see – that is, if you can get around to enjoy it. Recent increasing health issues and decreasing mobility made it much more difficult forContinue reading “Jim Michaels: Soaking in All the Scenery”

Meet the i-Go™ – Pride Mobility’s Newest Folding Mobility Scooter

Pride Mobility continues to set the standard for performance and innovation with its newest folding mobility scooter: the iGo.   Whether you’re a globetrotter or a champion errand-runner, the iGo has the maneuverability and portability you need to take the world by storm. This compact, lightweight scooter is as towable as a suitcase, making it theContinue reading “Meet the i-Go™ – Pride Mobility’s Newest Folding Mobility Scooter”

Benefits of a Folding Scooter

A mobility device gives the user independence and freedom. How much freedom you take is up to you. The Go Go Folding Scooter 4-Wheel is made to go. You’ll zip from spot to spot at four miles per hour, navigating tight spaces with the 32-inch turning radius. When it’s time to go further, the scooterContinue reading “Benefits of a Folding Scooter”

What is Feather-Touch Disassembly?

Nothing travels better than our Go Go Travel mobility models. These sleek scooters navigate with ease, whether you’re inside a store or outside on the sidewalk. When it’s time to transport your scooter, the convenience continues. The majority of our mobility scooters are equipped with feather-touch one-hand disassembly. You can easily transition from the fullContinue reading “What is Feather-Touch Disassembly?”

How to Travel with Your Mobility Scooter

Can you charge your mobility scooter in another country? A practical guide to device management abroad The bellhop swipes the key card and you and your travel partner tumble into your Parisian suite overlooking the River Seine. The open window lets in a cool summer breeze and noise from the streets below. It’s everything youContinue reading “How to Travel with Your Mobility Scooter”