Flossy F. – Traveling the World by Go Go

Flossy F. was exploring the sights in Williamsburg, Va., when she had an idea. Although Flossy loved her Go Go® Travel Mobility Scooter, she realized the cobblestone streets in the colonial town made things a bit bumpy. Flossy approached Pride® Mobility Products and challenged the company to create a Go Go with a smoother ride.Continue reading “Flossy F. – Traveling the World by Go Go”

Susan Bates: Riding into New Horizons

Tennessee-native Susan Bates both lives and loves her best, living her life to the fullest and showing others that they can too. Life wasn’t always that way for Susan. When she was first diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)/reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) five years ago, her mobility and way of living were changed inContinue reading “Susan Bates: Riding into New Horizons”

Lauren Le Franc: Creating Beauty from Pain

Singer-songwriter Bob Dylan once said that behind every beautiful thing, there’s been some kind of pain. To Lauren Le Franc, pain is no stranger. About six years ago, she lost her mobility to a rare neuro-inflammatory disorder called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). CRPS is characterized by itsContinue reading “Lauren Le Franc: Creating Beauty from Pain”

The Rolling Dutchman – Travelling Across America For Veterans

“I wanted to show my own appreciation for the job they have done,” said Dutch. “And at the same time, I wanted to raise awareness of what veterans have gone through and remind other people that we all really owe them our thanks.” So he came up with the idea of traveling east from hisContinue reading “The Rolling Dutchman – Travelling Across America For Veterans”

Gloria Woodard: Turning Heads with her Scooter

If you ask Gloria Woodard about her Pride Pursuit XL mobility scooter, she will describe it as her “little sports car.” When she could no longer drive a vehicle, Gloria’s son purchased the Pursuit XL mobility scooter for her to use. At 82 years old, Gloria is extremely active with the help of her scooter.Continue reading “Gloria Woodard: Turning Heads with her Scooter”

Claire Szabo-Cassella: The World is Her Stage

To say that Claire Szabo-Cassella knows something about theater is an understatement. After all, she is an alum of the University of Texas at Austin and the Shakespeare at Winedale theater program. She loves to attend the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon, and drives her red scooter right into the theater. Even with limited mobility,Continue reading “Claire Szabo-Cassella: The World is Her Stage”

From the Bench to the Center of the Action

There’s not much that can keep Eugene Gustinucci from doing the things he loves. Eugene fought cancer and is an above the knee amputee in his right leg and is missing part of his right lung as a result, but cancer didn’t win. Eugene, 61, of Plains Township, Pennsylvania, stays active thanks to his Pride®Continue reading “From the Bench to the Center of the Action”

Doug Jones: Maximizing His Mobility

Doug Jones knows firsthand that life with mobility is much more enjoyable. As a lower-leg amputee for more than 50 years, he is thankful for his Pride® Maxima motorized scooter that gives him greater independence and freedom. At 21, Doug lost his lower left leg during a work-related incident. He taught high school science forContinue reading “Doug Jones: Maximizing His Mobility”

Jean Snyder – Now I Love Nature

Jean Snyder, a 62-year-old medical transcriptionist from Fort Wayne, Indiana, was never much of an outdoors woman, let alone a hiker, but that all changed in the beginning of April when she went on a trip with daughter Michelle and her family to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. “The day my daughter planned toContinue reading “Jean Snyder – Now I Love Nature”

Darrel Ford – Teaching By Example

When a child in Darrel Ford’s school saw Darrel for the first time, the little boy’s eyes lit up. That’s because Darrel uses a power chair and the child has a wheelchair, too. Darrel, 48, of Bayport, New York, is a Speech-Language Pathologist who conducts speech and language therapy with children with speech and languageContinue reading “Darrel Ford – Teaching By Example”